Monday, May 19, 2014

Free Workshop Healthy Hour

Get to know more about Reorganizational Healing & Living

Reorganizational Healing is an approach to transforming our experience of life circumstances and our bodies, including pain and disease, into opportunities to go beyond our baseline level of health, functionality and well-being by giving you the tools   to create a map “to self-assess and draw on strengths to create sustainable change.

Instead of being meaningless, people’s problems become diseases of meaning…helping them become stronger, to live more fully and with more understanding.

Through Reorganizational Healing, you can understand your individual formula, refashion it and choose a path through which  your health and living can evolve.

Dr. Suzanne is now including FREE workshops in her calendar so that YOU can get it.   You are partaking in a life changing paradigm.  Expand the depth of your understanding and reap the benefits.

These workshops are recommended for:
-New patients (required within 2 months of joining the practice)
-Family and friends ($50 discount for initial consultations scheduled that evening)
- Seasoned practice members. Are you ready to take your life to the next level? (2 FREE 30 Minute Bio Mat sessions for each workshop you attend.)

Healthy Hour- 8:15-9:15 pm
June 4th
* call or email to reserve spots for you and your guests.

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