Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Missing Piece: Consciousness and the MotherBaby Bond (Part 1)

The Missing Piece: Consciousness and the MotherBaby Bond (Part 1)
Most information pregnant families access today is designed to prepare the family for childbirth and early parenting—detailing such things as nutrition, hazards to avoid, the anatomy and physiology of pregnancy and birth, breathing techniques, medications and medical interventions. Unfortunately, the most essential of all preparation, the awareness of the mind-body-spirit “motherbaby” bond, is rarely addressed. Cutting-edge research indicates that the experience in the womb and the early moments of birth and infancy are the most formative moments in our lives. These quantum moments shape all we become. Unfortunately, many professionals who work with families do not yet realize the significance of the motherbaby bond. In fact, the concept of bonding with the baby is rarely mentioned except for the postpartum and early infancy stages.

With today’s increasing rates of medical intervention, cesarean birth, postpartum mood disorders, and the overall atmosphere of unconscious parenting, it is obvious that a missing piece of critical information isn’t being communicated to families. This missing piece is the motherbaby bond. In this technology-obsessed world of ours, it is easy for mothers to forget that the most important knowledge comes from within. In our society, it is rare for us to listen to our body’s cues and respond accordingly. How many pregnant mothers nap during the day when they are tired or get regular chiropractic adjustments for overall balance and function? We avoid listening to our bodies because we feel rushed, and don’t honor their signals as actual communication. The pregnant body is communicating what it needs all the time, and, believe it or not, the unborn baby is, too. All we have to do as mothers is learn to listen, give ourselves the permission to trust the connection, and take the time to respond.
How Does the MotherBaby Bond Work?
Nature is impressive in its design and prepares babies in the womb for the new world they will encounter at birth. Since each baby is born into a distinctly different environment, he must adapt quickly in the womb in order to survive and thrive at birth. The information a baby receives in utero teaches him to adapt to his new world. A mother is constantly communicating about her world to her baby throughout pregnancy, via special messenger molecules. The baby, interestingly, communicates back to his mother through the placenta with his own set of messenger molecules. Mom and baby are sharing information during each and every moment of pregnancy. This sharing is how the motherbaby bond begins.
Mother and baby communicate by way of the placenta, using components such as hormones and neuropeptides. There are specific neuropeptides that are molecules of emotion, which communicate a mother’s feelings to her baby. When a mother has a thought, a “feeling” or emotion pulses through her body. These pulses are messenger molecules that deliver signals to the body’s systems. For example, if a mother smells something burning, she is likely to experience worry or fear. Her body starts to release hormones, such as adrenaline and other catecholamines, to pump blood to her limbs so she can get ready to move quickly and get her baby to safety. Her perception of the world (smelling smoke) creates a thought (“I smell smoke”) and emotion (worry/fear), which then signals her body to prepare to get out fast (blood pumping to her arms and legs).

This unique and remarkable communication between mother and baby is how the baby’s emotional intelligence is created. He experiences the world of emotions through his mother, and begins to become aware of life based on how his mother feels about her world. When she has a loving thought, he experiences love. When she feels joyful, he encounters joy, and so on. It’s an amazing process designed to give babies the opportunity to experience a kaleidoscope of emotions and develop a healthy emotional life that matches the emotional tone of his new family. This emotional tone becomes his way of coping with his world, known as EQ, or emotional quotient. Current research shows that a healthy EQ is much more important for long-term happiness and success in adults than a high IQ.
If all mothers knew this, we would likely spend more time doing things we loved and activities that reduced our stress instead of focusing on less important tasks like worrying over where to register for baby goods. Neonatologist Dr. Frederick Wirth referred to this as being a “brain architect.” He knew that focusing on creating a healthy, happy baby in the womb led to happier, healthier children and families. Mothers should be excited to learn we have this power—the power to build our babies’ brains.

As we wrote in our book, The Greatest Pregnancy Ever: The Keys to the MotherBaby Bond, “Every orchestra has specific instruments and musicians, but you, the mother, are the conductor. You are writing your own symphony, you choose the music and the notes. If something is out of tune, you can change the music. You create the harmony. You are the maestro.”

Your Next Steps:

  • Call and schedule and appointment .
  • Talk to your health care provider regarding chiropractic care or other alternative interventions.
Hours for the week are:

Monday 3:30-7:30  
Tuesday 9-11:30
Wednesday 12-2 & 4-7:30 
Thursday 4-7:30 
Saturday 11-2  **
* New patient visits, private appointments and corporate onsite care available upon request. Call or email for more information.  

*Biomat appointments available - 30 & 60 minute sessions.

create a beautiful day, 
Dr. Suzanne and Valentine

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Breath Walk for Pregnancy

Pregnant women all over the world walk throughout their pregnancies. Most of the time it’s to get from one place to another, but occasionally, a woman slows her pace and slows her mind. She walks with her breath, which she shares with her baby.
A breath walk is a walking meditation, much like those that monks practice. It can be done anywhere, but a quiet place with minimal distraction is best. Do not carry anything in your hands—they need to swing freely. Wear a backpack over both shoulders if you need to carry water or a sweater.
To begin, stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Let your weight spread evenly across the heels and balls of your feet. Relax your jaw and shoulders. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, in a four-part rhythm:

  1. Inhale slowly for a count of four.
  2. Hold your breath for a count of four.
  3. Slowly release your breath for a count of eight.
  4. Pause again for a count of four.
Repeat this four times. Then, on your fifth inhalation, open your eyes while stepping forward. Pause, then take your next step as you exhale. Then, pause again. Now repeat this four times.
You might find it difficult to exhale to the count of eight, particularly late in pregnancy, when lung capacity is inhibited. If so, start by exhaling to a count of four, and slowly work your way up. You’ll be surprised at how much your deep breathing will improve with some practice.
If you enjoy the slow pace, keep walking that way. Otherwise, increase your speed by breathing normally and walking in rhythm to your breath. Try both of these paces:
  1. Take one step for each inhale, and one step for each exhale.
  2. Take four steps (two per foot) with each inhale, then four steps with each exhale.

Play with the length of your step. Let your arms hang and swing in response to your body’s movements. Moving meditations require a different way of being in your body. By practicing how to keep your upper body and jaw relaxed while maintaining awareness of your breath and walking in rhythm, you are practicing for labor and beyond.
Most women can talk and move comfortably through their early contractions. When in labor, do a breath walk with your partner around the block. You could also use your breath to move to music (either your own inner choir, or a piece you’ve practiced moving to already).
By learning how to stay present to your breath while doing something else, you are learning to mindfully multitask, a skill that will serve you well as you care for a newborn. Enjoy the walk.