Thursday, April 24, 2014

How can chiropractors benefit your health?

How can chiropractors benefit your health?

Back and neck pain are the chief complaints for which patients seek chiropractic help. Through manual spinal manipulation, chiropractic care is a holistic therapy that focuses on maintaining healthy musculoskeletal and nervous systems to ensure overall wellness.

The research about chiropractic care is growing. According to the Annals of Internal Medicine, recent studies show that spinal manipulative therapy performed by a chiropractor, along with exercise, relieve neck pain more effectively than medication.
Furthermore, the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics reported that an integrated approach to health care -- including chiropractic care -- results in a 51.8 percent reduction in pharmaceutical costs and 43 percent fewer hospital admissions.
You should consider seeing a chiropractor if you experience frequent pain in your back, neck or joints, as well as headaches. This is especially so if intense soreness follows accidents, household chores or prolonged periods of poor posture.
Back and neck pain
Chiropractors are best known for safely and effectively treating acute back and neck pain, as well as headaches. Whereas a medical doctor might prescribe pain medicine, muscle relaxers or anti-inflammatory drugs, and an orthopedic doctor might suggest surgery, a chiropractor will treat your back problems by hand, through manipulation of the spine.
Nancy Elwartowski-Cooper, a pediatric and prenatal chiropractor, sees more and more referrals from medical doctors: "They (patients) are tired of the drugs and want answers to what is causing their problems."
Chiropractors bring the musculoskeletal structure into proper alignment. Chiropractors change the position of your body and apply pressure to particular points along the spine that are not properly aligned. This results in a popping noise similar to the one created when you crack your knuckles. The noise is created by a change in pressure in your joints as gas bubbles are released.
By adjusting the spine with their hands at particular pressure points, chiropractors unblock nerve energy and allow it to flow better down your spin and throughout your entire body. Repeated visits can, over time, realign your spine to optimize overall health.
Chiropractor Brian Elwartowski said the brain sends messages down the spinal cord and out through the nerves to the rest of your body. If certain nerves are squeezed by a twist in the spine, they won't function as well as if they were straight. "Chiropractic [care] allows the nerves to work at their most optimum ability," he said, "allowing the body to heal at its optimum ability."
Treatment plan
Many chiropractors seek to care for the whole person, from general wellness to disease prevention. They examine every patient, not only for the reason of their visit but also their level of health. After diagnosis, a chiropractor develops a treatment plan.
Keith Overland, president of the American Chiropractic Association, said, "This may include combinations of chiropractic manipulation, physical therapy and rehabilitative procedures for many musculoskeletal problems."
Some chiropractors provide nutrition advice, exercise recommendations, ergonomic and lifestyle counseling and so on. The successful management of chronic conditions may require a combination of these major components. This holistic approach can reduce the need for potentially addictive pain medication or invasive surgery.

Your Next Steps: Let your family and friends know that they should come in for regular visits

  • Call and schedule and appointment . 212.334.3395
Hours for the week are:

Monday 3:30-7:30  
Tuesday 9-11:30
Wednesday 12-2 & 4-7:30 
Thursday 4-7:30 
Saturday 11-2  **
* New patient visits, private appointments and corporate onsite care available upon request. Call or email for more information.  

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Live Didgeridoo !!!!

We are blessed to have Tyler Sussman play Didgeridoo on Thursday, April 24th from 5 - 6:30 pm. The sound vibration of the  Didgeridoo takes the entrainment to another dimension!Call and reserve your table to partake in this wondrous session.

Free Workshop!!! - Normal, Healthy Childbirth for Women & Families

Normal, Healthy Childbirth for Women & Families

Wednesday, May 7th  - 8pm – Free
 Network Wellness Care - 580 Broadway, Suite 403

Whether you are pregnant, planning on getting pregnant or support others during pregnancy and in childbirth come learn and talk about:

        o  Understanding normal, healthy childbirth
    o  Benefits of a normal, healthy birth
    o  Choosing the appropriate healthcare provider
    o  Choosing a comfortable birth setting
    o  Disruptions to normal, healthy birth

Discussion will be guided by Dia Shepardson. Dia is a student midwife at SUNY Downstate and a DONA certified birth doula.

Monday, April 21, 2014

“Smile…your spine is listening.”

“Smile…your spine is listening.”

Chiropractors talk about how the nervous system is the master system of the body, as it controls all of the other body systems. Systems such as the cardiovascular system, endocrine system, muscular system, reproductive system, just to name a few, are all under direct control of your brain, spinal cord, and nerves.
Think of it like the orchestra conductor directing all the different musicians on their particular part in the symphony.

Several decades ago a physician name Henry Windsor, M.D. performed experiments to see if disease in the body could be directly related to disease in the spine. He did dissections on 200 cadavers and he discovered three major findings:
  1. Every time he found a diseased organ, let’s say a diseased colon, he would trace the nerves from the organ back to where they originated at the spine. Every time he found that the nerves were being affected at the spine level by either arthritis, misalignments called subluxations, or some other type or pathology.

  2. The more advanced the organ disease was, the more advanced the spinal nerve impingement was.

  3. Of the 200 cadavers, 196 had some type of problem in the spine affecting the spinal nerves. That’s 98%!
This supported the hypothesis that, if we affect nerves emerging from the spine, we will eventually have disease to whatever area of the body innervated by those nerves.

Now think about this. How many people reading this newsletter have never had a cavity in one of your teeth? Probably not a lot of hands going up right now. Next question: What do we use our teeth for? Biting and chewing. What do we use our spines for? EVERYTHING ELSE!!! So the chances are, each of has either had a spine problem in the past, will have one in the future, or already has one at this very moment, whether the symptoms are present yet or not.

What a better way to start the spring season you and your family than with a healthy, well-aligned spine?

Your Next Steps: Let your family and friends know that they should come in for regular visits

  • Call and schedule and appointment . 212.334.3395
Hours for the week are:

Monday 3:30-7:30  
Tuesday 9-11:30
Wednesday 12-2 & 4-7:30 
Thursday 4-7:30 
Saturday 11-2  **
* New patient visits, private appointments and corporate onsite care available upon request. Call or email for more information.  
The first workshop has been filled to capacity. We are offering an additional  
2nd workshop on
 Saturday April 26th, at 3:30 pm for anyone that wants to attend and could not get signed up in the first workshop.
(Once again space is limited)

Newly added

A workshop with shaman Rebecca Singer
Friday, April 26th
3:30-5:00 pm  
580 Broadway Suite 403

We all have inner guidance. Every one of us. Although
we our hungry to meet our inner guides, our culture
encourages us to look externally for guidance, signposts,
confirmation, and clues that we our on our path.
During this workshop, you will be led in three meditations that will introduce you to your guides.
You will leave with a way to contact your inner guidance yourself, and a greater awareness of how to trust this wisdom that is held in your body/mind/spirit.
This doesn’t mean we don’t go to others for help. It means that we also go inside.

Space is limited !!!!!!                                                                                                    
-R.S.V.P -  or  call 212.334.3395

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

MEET YOUR INNER GUIDES - A workshop with shaman Rebecca Singer

A workshop with shaman Rebecca Singer
Friday April 25th(Filled)
7-8:30pm  580 Broadway

We all have inner guidance. Every one of us. Although
we our hungry to meet our inner guides, our culture
encourages us to look externally for guidance, signposts,
confirmation, and clues that we our on our path.
During this workshop, you will be led in three meditations that will introduce you to your guides.
You will leave with a way to contact your inner guidance yourself, and a greater awareness of how to trust this wisdom that is held in your body/mind/spirit.
This doesn’t mean we don’t go to others for help. It means that we also go inside.

Space is limited !!!!!!                                                                                                    
-R.S.V.P -  or  call 212.334.3395

Monday, April 14, 2014

The Webster Technique: A Sought Out Technique for Pregnant Women

The Webster Technique: A Sought Out Technique for Pregnant Women

You have probably heard about the Webster Technique-- the chiropractic technique used in pregnancy to help optimize the mother's pelvic function. It has been widely covered on natural birthing sites, and has become a conversation piece in the pregnancy circles, perhaps your doctor of chiropractic has discussed it with you as well.

The Webster Technique, discovered by Dr. Larry Webster, in 1978, founder of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA), is a specific chiropractic adjustment to eliminate sacral misalignment and improve nerve system function. He developed it as a specific sacral adjustment for pregnant women to help balance pelvic muscles and ligaments and potentially improve birth outcome. The first woman who came into his practice and had this technique applied was pregnant with a breech baby. Shortly after beginning care, the baby turned to a head down position. Dr. Webster continued to offer this adjustment for all pregnant mothers in his practice. For those presenting breech, he claimed a 95% rate of these babies assuming a more optimal positioning for birth. This led to great interest by chiropractors, birth providers and mothers seeking options for safer, easier natural births.
With the growing amount of interventions pregnant
Family Wellness First
women are exposed to during pregnancy and birth, it is becoming harder and harder for women to have safe, natural childbirths. At the same time, with the increasing awareness of the potential harm and lack of evidence to support these interventions, women are seeking health care options in their pregnancy that support natural childbirth.
The World Health Organization (WHO) proposed 15% as the highest acceptable limit for cesarean section rates. Currently, the C-section rate has risen to mid-30% in the US. In some areas, the C- section rate is as high as 90%! Preliminary findings are showing that chiropractic care throughout pregnancy improves the mother’s overall function, her quality of life and may contribute to easier, safer births with less intervention. Decreasing the number of caesareans by minimizing the potential for dystocia with chiropractic care is a strategy that will have a wide range of Public Health impact.
The Webster Technique is similar to many chiropractic sacral adjustments. First there is an analysis to confirm sacral alignment. Then there is a light force thrust applied to the sacrum for correction. The adjustment is gentle and effective in establishing alignment in the pelvis which is of course imperative for safer, easier more natural births.
Although best known for its use in pregnancy, the Webster Technique is a valuable chiropractic adjustment that has been shown to improve function in all populations.
Because of its potential to facilitate easier, safer deliveries for both mother and baby, many birth care providers and mothers are actively seeking doctors of chiropractic with the skills in this technique.


Questions Parents Frequently Ask About Chiropractic for Children
Why? Children are as susceptible to trauma in their spines from various activities and events. These micro-traumas can misalign the vertebrae of the spine, placing pressure on their spinal nerves and therefore decreasing their bodies’ ability to function normally. Although symptoms, such as pain and malfunction may not show up for years, injury to their vital nervous systems can have a lifetime of damaging effects.

When? Children should be checked right after birth because of the possible injurious effects of interventions in the birth process. Even the most natural births may be traumatic to the infant’s nervous system, affecting their overall health. Numerous clinical reports reveal that many children who experience symptoms of colic, ear infections and asthma have spinal misalignments impairing their nervous system function. Early detection and correction by a doctor of chiropractic is a safe way to improve your child’s overall health and wellbeing.

Does it Hurt? Chiropractors who offer care for children use very specific, gentle techniques adapted to the infant or child’s specific needs. On the very young, the adjustment is as light as a finger touch. Doctors who are ICPA members take advanced classes and contribute to research specific to chiropractic care for pregnant mothers, infants and children, to enhance their skills in this field.

Network Spinal Analysis™ care is an evidence based approach to wellness and body awareness. Gentle precise touch to the spine cues the brain to create new wellness promoting strategies. Two unique healing waves develop that are associated with spontaneous release of spinal and life tensions, and the use of existing tension as fuel for spinal re-organization and enhanced wellness. Practitioners combine their clinical assessments of spinal refinements with patient’s self assessments of wellness and life changes. Greater self-awareness and conscious awakening of the relationships between the body, mind, emotion, and expression of the human spirit are realized through this popular healing work.

Your Next Steps:

  • Call and schedule and appointment . 212.334.3395
Hours for the week are:

Monday 3:30-7:30  
Tuesday 9-11:30
Wednesday 12-2 & 4-7:30 
Thursday 4-7:30 
Saturday 11-2  **
* New patient visits, private appointments and corporate onsite care available upon request. Call or email for more information.  

*Biomat appointments available - 30 & 60 minute sessions.

create a beautiful day, 
Dr. Suzanne and Valentine

birth, Chiropractic care, Pediatric, Pregnancy, Webster technique, wellness, pregnant care, pregnant wellness, pregnancy wellness care, pregnant wellness care,
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Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 21-27 | BabyCenter Video
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network spinal analysis entrainment
Network Spinal Analysis Care
Network Spinal Analysis
Baby NSA Entrainment
Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractic Care
Demonstration of NSA
Network Spinal Analysis for Health Professionals
Donny Epstein
World's Best Cosmic Energy Head/Shoulders/Arms Massage on a Woman by Oudin
A Chiropractic Adjustment
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Network Spinal Analysis,DonnyEpstein,Consciousness,chiropractic,healing,pregnancy,doula,webster technique,Network Care,energy,clear day,stress,wellness,spine,entrainment,breech baby turning technique,icpa4kids,,chiropractor,back pain relief,Spinal Gateways,adjustment,pediatric,DONA,Spine (journal),Doctor (title),Health,Pain,Therapy,New York,SOHO,ZocDoc,pain management,chiropractic adjustment,sciatica treatment