Monday, April 29, 2013

Chiropractic Helps New Mothers Produce Milk -

An article in the March 2007 issue of the scientific periodical, the Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics, presents three documented case studies of chiropractic care helping new mothers who were unable to produce adequate mother`s milk.  A reduction in mothers milk, known as "Hypolactation" can be a serious problem that can create health issues for both the mother and child.

The first case was a women who went to the chiropractor on the referral of her midwife.  She had given birth 10 days earlier to her second child and unlike her first, she was unable to establish a milk supply for her second baby.  The patient had no other medical issues other than difficulty in swallowing a glass of water.
An examination determined that she had a subluxation, and specific chiropractic care was initiated to correct that issue.  After her second visit the patient commented that she found it much easier to swallow. By the third visit she noticed visible changes in her breast and the production of milk.  This improvement resulted in a positive weight gain for the infant who was forced to depend of formula until the mothers milk issues were resolved.
The second patient went to the chiropractor for upper back pain but was also unable to produce sufficient milk to feed her one month old infant.  Her examination showed no medical history for her problems, however, the chiropractic portion of her exam showed subluxations.  She began a series of specific chiropractic adjustments for subluxation correction.  By the forth visit the patient was noticing breast enlargement and the production of milk.  She also became pain free from the upper back pain she was experiencing.

The third case was a women who came into the chiropractor`s office with her daughter six days after birth.  She was sent there on the recommendation of the hospital lactation consultant. As in the previous cases, subluxations were found and care was initiated to correct them.  In this case it took only 24 hours for the positive results to show, and for this mother to be able to feed her infant naturally.
Based on their case studies and the volumes of previous research, these researchers concluded that subluxations and the neurological interference they cause play a major role in Hypolactation.  The researchers suggest, "Chiropractic evaluation for subluxations would be a key element in the holistic assessment of the failure to establish milk supply in the post partum patient."

Dr. Suzanne practices Network Spinal Analysis which utilizes a special type of adjustment called an Entrainment. This is a specific low-force chiropractic technique designed to encourage your nervous system to leave fight and flight and find rest and digest. In rest and digest your body has the internal capacity to heal. Asking your body to heal itself while it is in a state of fight or flight is like talking to a brick wall. This is why entrainments are so powerful, once the brick wall starts to soften, the nerve energy can be transmitted to the body parts that were on the other side of the wall and they can return to a state of functionand ease (versus dis-function or dis-ease).

 Call now to make a special appointment just for you!
Network Wellness Care
580 Broadway 4th Floor


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Chiropractic care during Pregnancy

Chiropractic care is health maintenance of the spinal column, discs, related nerves and bone geometry without drugs or surgery. It involves the art and science of adjusting misaligned joints of the body, especially of the spine, which reduces spinal nerve stress and therefore promotes health throughout the body.

Is chiropractic care during pregnancy safe?

There are no known contraindications to chiropractic care throughout pregnancy. All chiropractors are trained to work with women who are pregnant. Investing in the fertility and pregnancy wellness of women who are pregnant or trying to conceive is a routine care for most chiropractors.
Some chiropractors take a specific interest in prenatal and postnatal care and seek additional training. Below represents designations of chiropractors who have taken advanced steps in working with infertility and pregnancy wellness.
  • DACCP – Diplomate with ICPA reflecting highest level of advanced training
  • CACCP – Certified with the ICPA reflecting advanced training
  • Member of ICPA reflecting special interest
  • Webster Certified – trained to work specifically with pelvic balance in pregnancy
  • Find a Chiropractor in your area
Chiropractors that have been trained to work with pregnant women may use tables that adjust for a pregnant woman’s body, and they will use techniques that avoid unneeded pressure on the abdomen.
A chiropractor who is trained in the needs of women who are pregnant will also provide you with exercises and stretches that are safe to use during pregnancy.

Why should I have chiropractic care during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, there are several physiological and endocrinological changes that occur in preparation for creating the environment for the developing baby. The following changes could result in a misaligned spine or joints:
  • Protruding abdomen and increased back curve
  • Pelvic changes
  • Postural adaptations
Establishing pelvic balance and alignment is another reason to obtain chiropractic care during pregnancy. When the pelvis is misaligned it may reduce the amount of room available for the developing baby. This restriction is called intrauterine constraint. A misaligned pelvis may also make it difficult for the baby to get into the best possible position for delivery. This can affect the mother’s ability to have a natural, non-invasive birth. Breech and posterior positions can interfere with the natural ease of labor and lead to interventions such as c-sections.
The nervous system is the master communication system to all the body systems including the reproductive system. Keeping the spine aligned helps the entire body work more effectively.

What are the benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy?

Chiropractic care during pregnancy can provide benefits for women who are pregnant. Potential benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy include:
  • Maintaining a healthier pregnancy
  • Controlling symptoms of nausea
  • Reducing the time of labor and delivery
  • Relieving back, neck or joint pain
  • Prevent a potential cesarean delivery

What about chiropractic care and breech deliveries?

The late Larry Webster, D.C., Founder of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association(ICPA), developed a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment which enables chiropractors to establish balance in the pregnant woman’s pelvis and reduce undue stress to her uterus and supporting ligaments. This balanced state in the pelvis has been clinically shown to allow for optimal fetal positioning. The technique is known as the Webster Technique.
It is considered normal by some for a baby to present breech until the third trimester. Most birth practitioners are not concerned with breech presentations until a patient is 37 weeks along. Approximately 4% of all pregnancies result in a breech presentation.
The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics reported in the July/August 2002 issue an 82% success rate of babies turning vertex when doctors of chiropractic used the Webster Technique. Further, the results from the study suggest that it may be beneficial to perform the Webster Technique as soon as the 8th month of pregnancy when a woman has a breech presentation.
Currently, the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) recommends that women receive chiropractic care throughout pregnancy to establish pelvic balance and optimize the room a baby has for development throughout pregnancy. With a balanced pelvis, babies have a greater chance of moving into the correct position for birth, and the crisis and worry associated with breech and posterior presentations may be avoided altogether. Optimal baby positioning at the time of birth also eliminates the potential for dystocia (difficult labor) and therefore results in easier and safer deliveries for both the mother and baby.

Chiropractors and pregnancy: Talk to Your Health Care Provider

As more women are seeking the benefits of chiropractic care throughout pregnancy, more health care providers are seeking trained doctors of chiropractic in their communities to refer their pregnant patients to. Discuss these options with your health care provider. If they are not yet familiar with chiropractic care in pregnancy, ask them to find out more about its many benefits. Most importantly, seek options that support your body’s natural abilities to function and find a team of providers who are respectful of your choices.

Your Next Steps:

  • Call and schedule and appointment .
  • Talk to your health care provider regarding chiropractic care or other alternative interventions.
Hours for the week are:
Monday 3:30-7:30  
Tuesday 9-11:30
Wednesday 12-2 & 4-7:30 
Thursday 4-7:30 
Saturday 11-2  **
* New patient visits, private appointments and corporate onsite care available upon request. Call or email for more information.  

*Biomat appointments available - 30 & 60 minute sessions.

create a beautiful day, 
Dr. Suzanne and Valentine

Monday, April 8, 2013

Season of Spring - transformation, rebirth, expansion, liver energy, gallbladder energy, and growth.

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Network Wellness Care

Suzanne McBride

"Never forget that you are one of a kind. Never forget that if there weren't any need for you in all your uniqueness to be on this earth, you wouldn't be here in the first place. And never forget, no matter how overwhelming life's challenges and problems seem to be, that one person can make a difference in the world. In fact, it is always because of one person that all the changes that matter in the world come about. So be that one person. "  
-Buckminster Fuller
Network Wellness Care SOHO - Network Spinal Analysis - Dr. Suzanne McBride
Network Wellness Care SOHO - Network Spinal Analysis - Dr. Suzanne McBride

Sincere awe and gratitude to Isabel Del Rosal for creating this beautiful short film. Thank you to all the participants for sharing their heartfelt stories and allowing Isabel to create a film for the world to see!

This video will be featured on the website! share away

Sunday, May 5th 2013

with Dr. Suzanne McBride and Dr. Donna Mutter 

This powerful workshop uses the 
Reorganizational Healing model to:

 amplify healing 
advance spinal-neural integrity
enhance inner peace 
quality of life
effectively BUST STRESS to pave the road for transformation & Awakening.

A Clear Day offers three entrainments, meditation, yoga, music, inspiration, fun, food and joy within a conscious healing community.

8:15am: Registration, breakfast, and opening ceremony  
Program starts promptly at

Investment $250 
$100 deposit to hold your spot
Children 5 & under attend free and receive one entrainment. 
Kids 13 & up pay $100 and receive all three entrainments!

Space is limited, so sign up today!
Location: 196 Mercer street, 9th floor

Season of Spring - transformation, rebirth, expansion, liver energy, gallbladder energy, and growth.
Beards are disappearing, pounds are dropping, babies are being born. Things are simply expanding right now. This time of year energy is surging through your muscles and tendons. The aches and pains of life are screaming at you to take notice. During this time of expansion and transformation you are absolutely in flow when you put time and energy into self-care.
During the season of winter, (Discover) we cycle and integrate our way through suffering. The parts of us that feel like "it's never going to end," the parts of ourselves we like and don't like, and finally, the parts that are stuck!  Well, enough snow, enough darkness, enough cabin fever...enough is enough! It's time for change and time to access fuel to make the necessary shifts.
I was in a discussion group with a shaman recently and have been enjoying a comment he made about fuel. He said that drug addicts have the hearts of astronauts, but that they are just using really crappy fuel. The non-GMO, all NATURAL fuel for discovery, awakening, and transformation is already inside you. The parts of you that simply aren't talking to each other: the unconscious patterns, the painfully conscious patterns, the ignored parts, the shamed parts, the perfect parts, the naughty parts, the good parts... the separation of these is what shows up in your life as dis-ease, dis-comfort and dis-function.
Network and SRI are tools for integration and I'm beyond the moon honored to be able to guide you, follow you and grow with you using the science, art and philosophy of Reorganizational healing.

Back to the basics- a lesson from the intelligence of babes.

A primary goal of level 1 of care is to complete what we in the "network wiseworld" call a respiratory wave.  When you are face-down on the table, I want to see your body breathe continuously from your tailbone to your skull. Breath is consciousness. When this wave is complete, you have created a safe environment within your body to move on to a "stress-busting" somato-psychic wave. Creating change in your structure, behavior and/or perception from a safe environment ensures sustainability. The respiratory wave brings your system into a state of peace and ease.

Please enjoy the below video of one-day old Alexander demonstrating the peace and ease of a full respiratory wave..... 
Note: he has been under care since conception.

Newborn Entrainment Network Chiropractic - Network Wellness Care Soho Dr. Suzanne McBride
Newborn Entrainment Network Chiropractic - NetworkWellness Care Soho Dr. Suzanne McBride
Back to the Season of Transform!  Figure out what in your life you've had enough of....what aspect of you that you want to take back, what illusions you are holding, what you are preparing to resolve, and find that peaceful place of knowing...knowing that what's on the other side is so much better. 

My goal This  season is for all of you to embody this statement: 

"I know who I am and I know why I am here!"

Manifestation and Community  
Are you all loving the new location as much as I am? I love watching you all transform into peaceful, gentle, connected, authentic YOUs every time you walk in the door.
It has been eight outstanding months at 580 Broadway.  Designing and building my own space was a process of ownership and creation unlike anything I've ever experienced; however, it goes far beyond that - in January 2012, I wrote down a mission. The mission was to (gently and lovingly) stalk 580 Broadway until they created space for me! Here is the reason why - community and love! on the 2nd floor and on the 7th are friends to NWC, and I invite you to become "friends" with them too. 
Extending the field, I invite you to nestle into all that 580 has to offer. Create healing days for yourself. Get entrained, then take yoga (restorative yoga Monday nights at 8pm), meditate (Wednesday nights at 8pm) or dance your ass off (5 Rhythms dancing Thursday nights at 8pm.) 
 ***Please note: there are classes and meditations during the morning and daytime as well**** 
Put out what you want in this world, then go after it! I did. Creating the life you need is powerful. Quieting the internal noise in your mindbody opens doors to service, love and community. Write down what you need today. Imagine what it feels like. Organize an action plan and go for it! 

Nutrition Corner 

Interested in getting spring off to a healthy and vibrant beginning?  Start an easy, effective cleanse that will have you feeling  fabulous!  You will experience immediate healing and weight loss with these protocols.

Clearvite- 14 or 21 day Liver/Gallbladder DETOX program from Apex Energetics

I did the above program last July; I felt clear and energetic. The structure of the program was easy to follow, the supplements are palatable and easy to take. I lost weight without even thinking about it, and the best part was that around day 5, ya'll started coming in and telling me I looked pretty!  
Repairvite- Gut repair 3-30 day
 from Apex Energetics

If you have bloating, indigestion, food allergies, yeast infections, and viral or bacterial imbalances, this program could be life changing! A buzzword in the science world right now is Leaky Gut. Next we'll be hearing about Leaky Brain. There are more nerve endings in your gut then in your spine. Repairing any damage to your gut will make you smarter, faster and more maneuverable!

Combine the programs for a comprehensive
Repair and Clear Protocol.

Today's living and food conditions make it vital that we look at health through the perspective of deficiency and toxicity.  These programs are designed to remove toxins and provide the body supplementation you need to truly achieve health and a healthy weight.  It's  a wonderful way to reorganize your eating habits and feel great!

Eat Well-Move Well-Think Well 

The Pregnant Spine 
Engaging in conversations, I've noticed that being underNetwork Care during pregnancy is currently outside of normal perception. Very intelligent and highly educated individuals have asked me if it's safe to be under care during this time. It is vital! Pregnancy is a period of tremendous change, your mindbody and the baby's mindbody are going through rapid changes that deserved to be honored, respected and taken care of. 

Creating an environment of peace and ease to allow this natural process to occur is non-negotiable. I give every expectant woman the permission to take care of herself, prioritize herself and pamper herself on this journey.  
Below are some links to research articles for your enlightenment and enjoyment.


What are the benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy?

Potential benefits include:

  • Maintaining a healthier pregnancy
  • Controlling symptoms of nausea
  • Reducing the time of labor and delivery
  • Relieving back, neck or joint pain
  • Prevent a potential cesarean delivery

A 41-year-old woman was recently reported to have avoided a planned cesarean section due to breech presentation through the use of the Webster technique. The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic adjustment used to facilitate balance and improve function in the mother's pelvis. Balancing the pelvis and normalizing its function may alleviate tense muscles and ligaments, preventing the baby from assuming optimal fetal positioning.

The Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health reported that after five visits to the chiropractor using the light-force, specific-contact adjustments of the Webster technique, a fetus turned from breech position into vertex position, the normal position for birth. 

Current cesarean section rates make the procedure the most common operation in America; the Webster technique is emerging as a safe, effective, and non-invasive way for safer, easier births.

"Children are born true scientists. They spontaneously experiment and experience and re-experience again. They select, combine, and test, seeking to find order in their experiences - "which is the mostest? which is the leastest?" They smell, taste, bite, and touch-test for hardness, softness, springiness, roughness, smoothness, coldness, warmness: they heft, shake, punch, squeeze, push, crush, rub, and try to pull things apart." Buckminster Fuller 

We look forward to further serving you, your family and friends.  See you on the tables!
love and gratitude,
Dr. Suzanne and Valentine

+virayoga +LivingMeditation