Saturday, September 28, 2013

Six Signs You Should Dump Your Prenatal Caregiver

Six Signs You Should Dump Your Prenatal Caregiver

No doubt about it: Deep breathing, visualization and relaxation tools are powerful when it comes to having a positive birth. HypnoBirthing has helped not only me, but also hundreds of my client couples to have comfortable, natural births. But the tools alone aren’t enough, and they won’t serve anyone in the care of an obstetrician with a sky-high cesarean rate.

Embracing Change
While many couples are aligned with the right practitioner from the start, others realize somewhere along the line that they’re with a caregiver who’s all wrong for them. When I was twelve weeks pregnant with my son, my own obstetrician drew an imaginary C-section line across my bare abdomen with her finger, presumably to acquaint me with the scar she anticipated despite my perfectly healthy, low-risk pregnancy.
To me, changing practitioners is an indication that a birthing mother feels informed, empowered and ultimately responsible for her birth outcome. She realizes it’s up to her to hire—yes, hire—the right birth expert. For some, this “right practitioner” is a hospital obstetrician; for others, it’s a midwife (who can attend your birth in hospitals, birth centers or your own home). Unfortunately in modern culture, we tend to put more energy into choosing the right real estate agent than the right childbirth practitioner. Philosophies and practices can differ dramatically from one practice to the next, and your job is to find the caregiver whose values, goals and approach are best aligned with your own. What matters is how much you trust her, and the degree to which you are convinced she shares your desire for the most natural, unhurried, satisfying birth and postpartum bonding experience possible.
The notion of ending a relationship with one’s caregiver is intimidating to some, but it needn’t be. For me it was as easy as requesting a copy of my records from the receptionist (remember, these are yours by law, so you owe no explanation), and handing them over to my new caregiver.
What’s Love Got To Do With It?
Some women admit they aren’t crazy about their caregiver’s philosophy, but insist they just love her as a person. No matter how much you love your OB, just remember, you love your baby more. And sure, you can engage in an emotional and lengthy “breakup” conversation if you wish (“I’m sorry, doctor…It’s not you, it’s me”), but make sure doing so will serve you in some way—and I don’t mean to alleviate your guilt. No complaining, no explaining. Your baby is counting on you to align with the right person.
In retrospect, I was lucky to have been with an obstetrician who was wrong for me on every level. Once I was clear on the kind of birth I did and didn’t want, it was obvious I had to leave. It’s far tougher for women who just aren’t sure. Their heads tell them they made a sensible choice, but their intuition nags at them to reconsider. It’s the women in this category to whom I dedicate these six red-flag signs you should break up with your caregiver.
Red Flag #1: Your doctor engages in presumptuous usage of the word “let.” For example: He says he won’t let you go past 40 weeks, won’t let you eat or drink in labor, or can’t let you labor without an IV.
You are the hiring manager here. It’s his job to serve you. Before engaging in any medical procedure, he must inform you of the risks, benefits and alternatives before then asking your permission to move forward. (The law of voluntary informed consent has your back on this one.)

Red Flag
 #2: She has a high cesarean rate—or, worse, doesn’t know what her cesarean rate is.
The World Health Organization has long stated that no country on Earth should have a cesarean rate greater than 10 to 15 percent. Cesareans are our country’s most common major surgery, and childbirth has become our nation’s top revenue-producer for hospitals. (The fact that most hospitals are for-profit institutions is troubling to begin with.) Consider this: In 1970, one in twenty births in the United States were cesareans. Today that statistic is one in three, and climbing every year. If your OB doesn’t seem to care about her own cesarean rate enough to track and disclose what it is, then maybe you should find someone who does.

Red Flag
 #3: He speculates with concern about the size of your big baby or small pelvis.
The pelvis that conceived your baby would hardly recognize the pelvis that’s going to deliver it. Hormones cause the pelvis to relax and “stretch” significantly during labor, allowing an impressively wide passage for your baby. Second, babies’ skulls aren’t fully formed at birth for a reason: The baby’s head is designed to compress in order to fit through the passage. So even if your baby has an unusually large head, nature has this additional trick up its sleeve—it’s called molding—in its magnificent quest toward survival. Third, most of the baby’s weight is in the body, and the body tends to slip out very quickly and easily once the head and first shoulder have presented. So why do we spend so much time worrying about big babies? The head positioning is far more important than the baby’s size. As for macrosomia (the medical term for excessive birth weight, defined as newborns who weigh more than 8 lb. 13 oz.), it’s best not to get anxious over it. For one, it’s impossible to determine a baby’s weight in utero with ultrasound or any other technology—so there’s no way to know if your baby fits the definition until after the birth. And on a personal level, I have a hard time taking it seriously: My son and daughter both handily satisfied the definition of macrosomia according to their “excessive” birth weights. Not only did I birth my big babies naturally, but also unusually quickly, and without molding or tearing. Big babies are born all the time, often to very small-framed women. This is not pathology. It’s not even an anomaly.

Red Flag #4: She treats your due date like a deadline.
The only reason you have a due date is that our culture is determined to turn the art of childbirth into a science. All other mammals seem to be birthing just fine without them. But okay, let’s go along with it: Your due date marks 40 weeks of gestation. Now here’s where it gets interesting: Babies born between 37 and 42 weeks are considered “full term”; less than 37 weeks of gestation is considered premature; and post-term or “overdue” is greater than 42 weeks. By its very definition, your due date is a midpoint in the bell curve of your baby’s likely arrival dates. Research suggests that at least 80 percent of babies are born +/- two weeks of the due date.
What does this mean? Going past your due date is normal. Labor-induction drugs like Pitocin have only been FDA-approved for usage when medically necessitated. Going past your due date is not a medical event. It’s as normal and common as can be. You might not feel concerned about this in mid-pregnancy, but your caregiver’s approach to due dates can end up being the make-orbreak of your birth plan. If you haven’t done so already, ask your practitioner when she’ll consider you “overdue.”

Red Flag
 #5: He expects you to give birth in the supine position (lying on your back).
The supine position significantly restricts your pelvis. All that wonderful space I mentioned earlier is now countered by the mattress pressing into your lower back. Not to mention that most women find the supine position to be downright unbearable, when other positions (e.g. handsand- knees or squatting) feel totally manageable. You might as well use gravity to your advantage whenever something in your body is attempting to come down and out. If you’re birthing naturally, the pressure and weight of your baby will tend to guide you into the safest and easiest position for birthing. At the very least, your caregiver should encourage you to be in a position that’s comfortable and convenient for you, rather than anybody else.

Red Flag #6
: Your intuition is telling you something.
Having second thoughts about your caregiver, but you can’t put your finger on it? You don’t have to. But don’t ignore your intuition. Giving birth gently and easily is only possible with trust—a trust in nature, your body and your baby. Relinquishing control to these forces of nature is rooted in self-trust. Your intuition is already telling you if you’re in the right hands. Are you listening?

Your Next Steps:

  • Call and schedule and appointment . 212.334.3395
Hours for the week are:

Monday 3:30-7:30  
Tuesday 9-11:30
Wednesday 12-2 & 4-7:30 
Thursday 4-7:30 
Saturday 11-2  **
* New patient visits, private appointments and corporate onsite care available upon request. Call or email for more information.  

*Biomat appointments available - 30 & 60 minute sessions.

create a beautiful day, 
Dr. Suzanne and Valentine

birth, Chiropractic care, Pediatric, Pregnancy, Webster technique, wellness, pregnant care, pregnant wellness, pregnancy wellness care, pregnant wellness care,
Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 1-9 | BabyCenter Video
Pregnancy Week By Week (My Rainbow Baby)
Pregnancy: Weeks 1-4 (Month #1)
Watch the Baby Grow! Ultrasounds Week by Week During Pregnancy
Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 15 - 20 | BabyCenter Video
Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 21-27 | BabyCenter Video
Pregnancy care tips shared by Dr. Leela Bhagavan
Healthy Pregnancy, Healthy Baby: Prenatal Care
Pregnancy prenatal care presentation
Ontario Midwives - Pregnancy Care with a Midwife
Garbh Sanskar Shri Balaji Tambe: Wellness Music for Pregnancy visit us
Postpartum Care for Down There
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Network Spinal Analysis Care
Network Spinal Analysis
Baby NSA Entrainment
Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractic Care
Demonstration of NSA
Network Spinal Analysis for Health Professionals
Donny Epstein
World's Best Cosmic Energy Head/Shoulders/Arms Massage on a Woman by Oudin
A Chiropractic Adjustment
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Friday, September 13, 2013

Vertical Birth

The disadvantages of pushing while lying on the back include:While the awareness about the dangers and disadvantages of giving birth while lying on one’s back is more widespread, this is still the main position in which the majority of women in the United States give birth.

  • Pelvic outlet is reduced, which creates less room for baby
  • Less urge for the mother to push
  • Baby takes longer to descend—the “curve of Carus” along the sacrum and tailbone when on the back makes more of an uphill route that baby needs to maneuver before emerging under the pubic bone
  • Less oxygen to the baby due to increased pressure from the weight of the uterus and baby on the mother’s inferior vena cava (artery)
  • More difficult for mother to reach down and assist in the birth of her baby
  • Increased pain for mother
  • Uterus has to work harder to create contractions to bring baby down
  • Contractions may slow or stop
  • Increased risk of further aggravating or creating new hemorrhoids
  • Greater risk of perineal tears and lacerations
  • Easier for care provider to perform an episiotomy, if needed
  • Increased insecurity on the part of the mother, as she cannot as easily see what is being done to her
  • Greater risk of shoulder dystocia (where the shoulder becomes lodged behind the pubic bone) because of the decreased pelvic outlet

  • The advantages of pushing while upright and/or squatting include:

    • Squatting increases size of the pelvic outlet, thereby creating more room for a larger baby or baby with a presentation issue (posterior, asynclitic, etc)
    • Gravity helps baby descend
    • The force of the uterus during pushing is helped by being upright—gravity assists in the uterus being able to contract and tilt forward
    • Baby is better able to present naturally in the mother’s pelvis, and rotates into more favorable positions, if needed, while the mother is upright
    • Less pain is felt by the mother as the baby descends past the sacrum due to the fact that there is no pressure (by a bed) on this part of her body
    • Perineal tissues stretch more effectively, often reducing the need for postpartum repairs and/or discomfort
    • Mother is able to help assist in the delivery of her baby, as well as see her own baby being born
    • Sacrum is much more flexible and moves with descent of baby’s head
    • Mother is able to maintain eye contact with care providers (if she desires) and there are no surprises in touch
    Even semi-sitting or semi-reclining positions interfere with natural, spontaneous pushing stages. In both the semi-sitting and semi-reclining positions, the sacrum is compressed, thereby reducing the diameter of the pelvic outlet.
    Other options include hands and knees, standing, or kneeling. Squatting is easiest on the mother when she is supported and/or in water.
    Sitting on the toilet is another fabulous position, as this is the place where we unconsciously relax our pelvic floor muscles. (Some women worry about their babies falling in the toilet, which is rare, but putting a chux pad under the toilet seat will offer some reassurance—as will having another person—preferably the partner—help with the delivery of the baby. Most women will instinctively start to stand as the head emerges.)

    Your Next Steps:

    • Call and schedule and appointment . 212.334.3395
    Hours for the week are:

    Monday 3:30-7:30  
    Tuesday 9-11:30
    Wednesday 12-2 & 4-7:30 
    Thursday 4-7:30 
    Saturday 11-2  **
    * New patient visits, private appointments and corporate onsite care available upon request. Call or email for more information.  

    *Biomat appointments available - 30 & 60 minute sessions.

    create a beautiful day, 
    Dr. Suzanne and Valentine

    birth, Chiropractic care, Pediatric, Pregnancy, Webster technique, wellness, pregnant care, pregnant wellness, pregnancy wellness care, pregnant wellness care,
    Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 1-9 | BabyCenter Video
    Pregnancy Week By Week (My Rainbow Baby)
    Pregnancy: Weeks 1-4 (Month #1)
    Watch the Baby Grow! Ultrasounds Week by Week During Pregnancy
    Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 15 - 20 | BabyCenter Video
    Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 21-27 | BabyCenter Video
    Pregnancy care tips shared by Dr. Leela Bhagavan
    Healthy Pregnancy, Healthy Baby: Prenatal Care
    Pregnancy prenatal care presentation
    Ontario Midwives - Pregnancy Care with a Midwife
    Garbh Sanskar Shri Balaji Tambe: Wellness Music for Pregnancy visit us
    Postpartum Care for Down There
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    Network Spinal Analysis
    Baby NSA Entrainment
    Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractic Care
    Demonstration of NSA
    Network Spinal Analysis for Health Professionals
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    World's Best Cosmic Energy Head/Shoulders/Arms Massage on a Woman by Oudin
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    Wednesday, September 11, 2013

    Community Night

    Community Night- Friday the 13th (ha ha ha-mystical and  amazing)

    Explore the magic of Network and SRI with your friends, families, dis-satisfied co-workers, grumpy neighbors, and that person you always see on the subway.

     Doesn't it feel amazing when you can share something this special with humanity?  Bring them to meet Dr. Suzanne and get an introduction to Network and SRI. Here is how the night will be laid out:

    6-6:45 will be a workshop introduction to Network and SRI.  Dr.  Suzanne will educate, demonstrate and illuminate. Questions will be answered and We guarantee you will hear something that will connect you to your authentic self.

    6:45-8pm Free mini entrainments for all practice members and their guests

    Please call or email the office by Wednesday Sept 11th to reserve your spots. We appreciate it if you have your guests name and email when you sign up. We will be ordering yummy snacks!

    Your Next Steps:

    • Call and schedule and appointment . 212.334.3395
    Hours for the week are:

    Monday 3:30-7:30  
    Tuesday 9-11:30
    Wednesday 12-2 & 4-7:30 
    Thursday 4-7:30 
    Saturday 11-2  **
    * New patient visits, private appointments and corporate onsite care available upon request. Call or email for more information.  

    *Biomat appointments available - 30 & 60 minute sessions.

    create a beautiful day, 
    Dr. Suzanne and Valentine

    birth, Chiropractic care, Pediatric, Pregnancy, Webster technique, wellness, pregnant care, pregnant wellness, pregnancy wellness care, pregnant wellness care,
    Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 1-9 | BabyCenter Video
    Pregnancy Week By Week (My Rainbow Baby)
    Pregnancy: Weeks 1-4 (Month #1)
    Watch the Baby Grow! Ultrasounds Week by Week During Pregnancy
    Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 15 - 20 | BabyCenter Video
    Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 21-27 | BabyCenter Video
    Pregnancy care tips shared by Dr. Leela Bhagavan
    Healthy Pregnancy, Healthy Baby: Prenatal Care
    Pregnancy prenatal care presentation
    Ontario Midwives - Pregnancy Care with a Midwife
    Garbh Sanskar Shri Balaji Tambe: Wellness Music for Pregnancy visit us
    Postpartum Care for Down There
    network spinal analysis entrainment
    Network Spinal Analysis Care
    Network Spinal Analysis
    Baby NSA Entrainment
    Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractic Care
    Demonstration of NSA
    Network Spinal Analysis for Health Professionals
    Donny Epstein
    World's Best Cosmic Energy Head/Shoulders/Arms Massage on a Woman by Oudin
    A Chiropractic Adjustment
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    chiropractic care
    chiropractic management
    chiropractic adjustment
    Network Spinal Analysis,DonnyEpstein,Consciousness,chiropractic,healing,pregnancy,doula,webster technique,Network Care,energy,clear day,stress,wellness,spine,entrainment,breech baby turning technique,icpa4kids,,chiropractor,back pain relief,Spinal Gateways,adjustment,pediatric,DONA,Spine (journal),Doctor (title),Health,Pain,Therapy,New York,SOHO,ZocDoc,pain management,chiropractic adjustment,sciatica treatment

    Saturday, September 7, 2013

    Common Pregnancy Pains and Their Causes

    Common Pregnancy Pains and Their Causes

    You will be visited with various kinds of discomforts during pregnancy -- some fleeting, some more permanent. Some may occur in the early weeks, while others emerge closer to the time of delivery. Others may appear early and then go away, only to return later. They are all a normal part of pregnancy.
    Every woman's pregnancy is unique, so you may not experience all of the changes described in this article. As always, if you notice any changes that concern you, mention them to your health care provider.
    Pregnancy Breast Changes
    Most pregnant women will feel some changes in their breasts. Your breasts will increase in size as your milk glands enlarge and the fat tissue enlarges, causing breast firmness and tenderness typically during  pregnancy’s first and last few months. Bluish veins may also appear as your blood supply increases. Your nipples can also darken, and sometimes a thick fluid called colostrum may leak from your breasts. All of these changes are normal.

    • Wear a bra that provides firm support.
    • Choose cotton bras or those made from natural fibers.
    • Get a bigger bra as your breasts become larger and fuller. Your bra should fit well without irritating your nipples. Try maternity or nursing bras, which provide more support and can be used after pregnancy if you choose to breastfeed.
    • Try wearing a bra during the night.
    • Tuck a cotton handkerchief or gauze pad into each bra cup to absorb leaking fluid. You can also buy nursing pads in the drugstore that fit into your bra. Make sure to change these pads as needed so your skin doesn't get irritated.
    • Wash your breasts with warm water only. Don't use soap or other products that can cause dryness.

    Pregnancy Fatigue

    Feeling tired? That might be because your growing baby requires extra energy. Sometimes, it's a  sign of anemia (low iron in the blood), which is common during pregnancy.
    • Get plenty of rest; go to bed earlier and take naps.
    • Keep a regular schedule when possible.
    • Pace yourself. Balance activity with rest.
    • Moderate exercise daily boosts your energy level.
    • If you think you may have anemia, ask your health care provider to test your blood.

    Your Next Steps:

    • Call and schedule and appointment . 212.334.3395
    Hours for the week are:

    Monday 3:30-7:30  
    Tuesday 9-11:30
    Wednesday 12-2 & 4-7:30 
    Thursday 4-7:30 
    Saturday 11-2  **
    * New patient visits, private appointments and corporate onsite care available upon request. Call or email for more information.  

    *Biomat appointments available - 30 & 60 minute sessions.

    create a beautiful day, 
    Dr. Suzanne and Valentine

    birth, Chiropractic care, Pediatric, Pregnancy, Webster technique, wellness, pregnant care, pregnant wellness, pregnancy wellness care, pregnant wellness care,
    Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 1-9 | BabyCenter Video
    Pregnancy Week By Week (My Rainbow Baby)
    Pregnancy: Weeks 1-4 (Month #1)
    Watch the Baby Grow! Ultrasounds Week by Week During Pregnancy
    Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 15 - 20 | BabyCenter Video
    Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 21-27 | BabyCenter Video
    Pregnancy care tips shared by Dr. Leela Bhagavan
    Healthy Pregnancy, Healthy Baby: Prenatal Care
    Pregnancy prenatal care presentation
    Ontario Midwives - Pregnancy Care with a Midwife
    Garbh Sanskar Shri Balaji Tambe: Wellness Music for Pregnancy visit us
    Postpartum Care for Down There
    network spinal analysis entrainment
    Network Spinal Analysis Care
    Network Spinal Analysis
    Baby NSA Entrainment
    Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractic Care
    Demonstration of NSA
    Network Spinal Analysis for Health Professionals
    Donny Epstein
    World's Best Cosmic Energy Head/Shoulders/Arms Massage on a Woman by Oudin
    A Chiropractic Adjustment
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    back pain chiropractic
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    chiropractic management
    chiropractic adjustment
    Network Spinal Analysis,DonnyEpstein,Consciousness,chiropractic,healing,pregnancy,doula,webster technique,Network Care,energy,clear day,stress,wellness,spine,entrainment,breech baby turning technique,icpa4kids,,chiropractor,back pain relief,Spinal Gateways,adjustment,pediatric,DONA,Spine (journal),Doctor (title),Health,Pain,Therapy,New York,SOHO,ZocDoc,pain management,chiropractic adjustment,sciatica treatment