Thursday, October 30, 2014

Healthy Hour!

Friday, November 7th at 6:00 pm.  
Network Wellness Care
580 Broadway, Suite 403
Call us at 212-334-3395

This is your opportunity to bring your friends and family and introduce them to Dr. Suzanne. Show them what it is that has you so excited and vibrant! 

Dr. Suzanne will give a short workshop illuminating the many benefits of care and how this work can effectively transform your life.  She will also be taking you through some SRI (somato respiratory integration) techniques that you can take home with you and implement into your daily healthy routine.  

Please RSVP by Nov. 4th with the names of the lucky guests you will be bringing. Any guest that signs up for a consultation that evening will get $50 off and you will get a complimentary entrainment.  

Thank you in advance for paying it forward and sharing the love!  

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Dr. Suzanne Speaks

During a meditation this morning, I went back to a challenging time in my life, an event that I needed to overcome.  I watched this event like an angel above.  I realized that after this event for many many years, I didn't even know that I needed help. I didn't know that I changed that day and I had forgotten who I was before the assault. 

A survival technique humans have is to forget pain.  What about happiness, joy, peace and ease? Do we forget those things too?  As a scientist I have always focused on the fight, flight and freeze response from the perception of dissociation and disconnecting from pain.  But today, I am shifting that perception and focusing on how we get into these places where we forget the good stuff.  The more we get used to being in survival mode, we forget what it feels like to be free, happy and light.  I experienced a trauma that for 12 years I maintained that it did not effect me.  In reality it shaped me more then anything else had. I didn't have the strategies to stop it from running the show.  I did not remember what it felt like before the trauma.  When I was innocent and happy.  My inner light got dim, distant and I forgot what authentic real happiness was. 

I didn't know that I needed help.  Luckily a friend at chiropractic school did.  Her name was Lisa.  We had a brief encounter one day at the gym where she let me know that she saw my suffering.  She not only saw it, she could feel it pulsating through me, while I was practically numb to it.  The only indicators I had was that I was in severe back pain. I was limiting my activities, I was having trouble sitting in class, I was sad, lonely and tired. But I still had no idea that I needed help.  I was so numb and blind and I had no strategies for healing, I was stuck.  I was receiving traditional chiropractic adjustments that helped sometimes.  I was self medicating with alcohol and drugs which provided a nice roller coaster of fake-masked ease followed by inflamed angry pain.  I will never forget hearing Lisa say to me that my pain was emotional.   The fake smile that I had plastered on for over a decade got chipped the moment Lisa saw me.  She had seen me and I was vulnerable and scared shitless. So, I re-enforced the armor and carried on with my hunt for the "real reason" I was in so much pain.  I got the MRI and looked at the physical destruction that the film showed me.  My body was in fact a mess. HA! I knew it.  I wasn't crazy.  But HA I also knew from deep inside, that dim distant light, knew that Lisa was right.  The pain was rooted in emotions and I was destroying my body.  A few weeks later I called Lisa and said, "Okay, it's emotional, so what can I do about it?".  It is amazing to me years later, each time I think of this memory my gratitude expands and grows.  A testament to the remembering that this solution brings to you.  She had a solution for me. She was practicing network.  That day she did what I had been unable to do on my own, through talk therapy or through straight body work, she started helping me put the pieces back together. All the kings horses and all the kings men, couldn't put humpty together again. To bad he didn't have a network doc in the castle.

-Dr. Suzanne

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Bitter Sweet:
Why sugar makes us fat and what you can do about it.
Bitter Sweet.jpg
Back in the 1970s the buzz about losing weight was all about curtailing the
amount of fat in the foods that we ate. In fact, U.S. dietary recommendations
focused on fat reduction. But, guess what? Americans gained weight!
Now the buzz is about sugar and how it contributes to obesity, diabetes, heart
disease dementia and a host of other health issues.

Join Jill Hoffman as she outlines how the demonization of fat actually contributed to America’s obesity crisis, and some simple steps that you can take to reverse the trend... and lose weight by reducing or eliminating sugar from your diet.

In this talk, you’ll learn:
1. Why America’s weight went up despite fat consumption going down
2. Why it’s not our fault that we’re fat
3. How food manufacturers have exploited our taste buds
4. Why the more sugar you eat, the more sugar you want
5. How to find sugar in processed foods
6. Simple steps to crowd sugar out of your life

Thursday, October 9th
Time: 8pm
Free to attend

About Jill Hoffman: 
Jill supports busy women who want to reduce stress and break free from sugar cravings. She helps her clients identify and minimize toxicity in their lives so that they can have more energy, reach their ideal weight and live in harmony with their bodies.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014



A Workshop with Shaman Rebecca Singer


The energy of Manhattan is dense enough to slice with a knife! life is fast-paced and the buzz of human energy in Manhattan is a 24/7 fact. In this two hour workshop, we will learn practical, doable skills to stay grounded, centered, as well as how to  protect yourself energetically in a big city atmosphere.

**Please arrive a bit early so that we can start on time, and wear comfortable clothing.

September 20th
580 Broadway Suite 403

investment $50

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Reduction in Arterial Blood Pressure Following Chiropractic Adjustment


Reduction in Arterial Blood Pressure Following Adjustment of Atlas to Correct Vertebral Subluxation: A Prospective Longitudinal Cohort Study 
Scott Torns, DC Bio

Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research ~ August 11, 2014 ~ Pages 54-60


Objective:  This investigation was a placebo-control, randomized, prospective longitudinal cohort study to examine the long term effect Atlas Orthogonal (AO) upper cervical chiropractic care has on arterial blood pressure (ABP).

Methods: Twenty participants were computer randomized into a placebo-control group and a therapeutic group. All participants were examined radiographically, and coordinate values were calculated for Atlas dysfunction per AO Technique. The therapeutic group received an AO adjustment while controls received a sham adjustment. Pre and post therapeutic intervention ABP values were recorded for each participant. Subsequent measures for ABP were again recorded at one week, two weeks, four weeks, and lastly, six weeks after intervention. The Atlas was adjusted utilizing an AO Adjusting Instrument. No adverse reactions were recorded in either group.

Results: The therapeutic group demonstrated significant lowering of both their systolic and diastolic values. Improvements in systolic values continued to be statistically significant at six weeks. The effect on the diastolic values failed to reach significance after four weeks. There were no statistically significant differences detected in the systolic or diastolic values of the control group.

Conclusions: This investigation provides further evidence connecting upper cervical chiropractic care and ABP regulation. While the exact mechanism remains in question, data suggests an appropriate dose may be one upper cervical chiropractic visit per month for patients that suffer from high ABP.

Keywords:  Atlas, vertebral subluxation, high blood pressure, hypertension, Atlas Orthogonal, upper cervical chiropractic, nonsurgical antihypertensive therapy

Your Next Steps:

  • Call and schedule and appointment . 212.334.3395
Hours for the week are:

Monday 3:30-7:30  
Tuesday 9-11:30
Wednesday 12-2 & 4-7:30 
Thursday 4-7:30 
Saturday 11-2  **
* New patient visits, private appointments and corporate onsite care available upon request. Call or email for more information.  

Network Spinal Analysis™ care is an evidence based approach to wellness and body awareness. Gentle precise touch to the spine cues the brain to create new wellness promoting strategies. Two unique healing waves develop that are associated with spontaneous release of spinal and life tensions, and the use of existing tension as fuel for spinal re-organization and enhanced wellness. Practitioners combine their clinical assessments of spinal refinements with patient’s self assessments of wellness and life changes. Greater self-awareness and conscious awakening of the relationships between the body, mind, emotion, and expression of the human spirit are realized through this popular healing work.

Network Spinal Analysis,DonnyEpstein,Consciousness,chiropractic,healing,pregnancy,doula,webster technique,Network Care,energy,clear day,stress,wellness,spine,entrainment,breech baby turning technique,icpa4kids,,chiropractor,back pain relief,Spinal Gateways,adjustment,pediatric,DONA,Spine (journal),Doctor (title),Health,Pain,Therapy,New York,SOHO,ZocDoc,pain management,chiropractic adjustment,sciatica treatment

birth, Chiropractic care, Pediatric, Pregnancy, Webster technique, wellness, pregnant care, pregnant wellness, pregnancy wellness care, pregnant wellness care,
Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 1-9 | BabyCenter Video
Pregnancy Week By Week (My Rainbow Baby)
Pregnancy: Weeks 1-4 (Month #1)
Watch the Baby Grow! Ultrasounds Week by Week During Pregnancy
Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 15 - 20 | BabyCenter Video
Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 21-27 | BabyCenter Video
Pregnancy care tips shared by Dr. Leela Bhagavan
Healthy Pregnancy, Healthy Baby: Prenatal Care
Pregnancy prenatal care presentation
Ontario Midwives - Pregnancy Care with a Midwife
Garbh Sanskar Shri Balaji Tambe: Wellness Music for Pregnancy visit us
Postpartum Care for Down There
network spinal analysis entrainment
Network Spinal Analysis Care
Network Spinal Analysis
Baby NSA Entrainment
Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractic Care
Demonstration of NSA
Network Spinal Analysis for Health Professionals
Donny Epstein
World's Best Cosmic Energy Head/Shoulders/Arms Massage on a Woman by Oudin
A Chiropractic Adjustment
network chiropractors
chiropractic dr
dr chiropractic
chiro wellness
chiropractor doctor
chiropractic offices
family chiropractic
chiropractic visit
chiropractor in manhattan
chiropractic therapy
back pain chiropractic
chiropractic care
chiropractic management
chiropractic adjustment

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

People’s feelings affect their health...

People’s feelings affect their health

 For example research shows that a person’s spinal pain and disability are better predicted by levels of financial stress and job satisfaction than by an X-ray or CT scan.

Often symptoms of angina, asthma or many conditions are more a reflection of the individual’s internal state than abnormality in the blood test, the X-ray, or the physical examination. In one interesting study patients receiving high blood pressure medication were shown to have a poorer quality of life than those without meds. In another study, hypertensive stock brokers were given standard “high blood pressure” medication while another group of brokers were given a pet. Those with the pets enjoyed life more and had at least as significant a lowering of blood pressure as those taking medication. Illness is the lack of wellness. 

Wellness is that state in which you are relatively invincible, nothing can ruin your day, you feel alive, vital and confident, and experience a high state of well-being. When you experience wellness, your circumstances of the moment do not easily upset your internal state. 

In contrast, illness is the state of concern about your mortality, about your health. It is a state in which you feel limited, challenged, and worried. You feel as if something is “wrong”.

Therefore a person can have advanced cardiovascular disease and not feel ill. The same is true with cancer or any other disease. Although linked in many ways, a disease does not determine if a person is ill, and treatment of disease will only rarely produce wellness. Often the more a disease (not the person) is treated, the less wellness a person is likely to experience.

Concerns about mortality, limitation, or just the feeling that something is wrong are not usually caused by disease, but instead by lack of wellness. You currently are experiencing illness, and also were diagnosed with cancer. Often when one feels ill, one looks for a disease to match the experience of being ill. Although treatment of disease may at times save lives, it rarely results in wellness behavior and well-being. However, a greater sense of well being, the ability to make healthier choices, and better adapt to stress all impact on the disease state. Most disease is attributable to lifestyle, environmental factors, or habits that take their toll over a period of years. Wouldn’t it make sense that if the destructive patterns were changed, health would begin to be restored? Treatment of disease does not have to preclude getting well.

Network Spinal Analysis™ care is an evidence based approach to wellness and body awareness. Gentle precise touch to the spine cues the brain to create new wellness promoting strategies. Two unique healing waves develop that are associated with spontaneous release of spinal and life tensions, and the use of existing tension as fuel for spinal re-organization and enhanced wellness. Practitioners combine their clinical assessments of spinal refinements with patient’s self assessments of wellness and life changes. Greater self-awareness and conscious awakening of the relationships between the body, mind, emotion, and expression of the human spirit are realized through this popular healing work.

Your Next Steps:

  • Call and schedule and appointment . 212.334.3395
Hours for the week are:

Monday Closed   
Tuesday 11-1 & 4-7:30
Wednesday  4-7:30
Thursday 11-1 & 4-7:30
Friday Closed
Saturday 11-2  **
* New patient visits, private appointments and corporate onsite care available upon request. Call or email for more information.  

*Biomat appointments available - 30 & 60 minute sessions.

create a beautiful day, 
Dr. Suzanne and Valentine

birth, Chiropractic care, Pediatric, Pregnancy, Webster technique, wellness, pregnant care, pregnant wellness, pregnancy wellness care, pregnant wellness care,
Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 1-9 | BabyCenter Video
Pregnancy Week By Week (My Rainbow Baby)
Pregnancy: Weeks 1-4 (Month #1)
Watch the Baby Grow! Ultrasounds Week by Week During Pregnancy
Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 15 - 20 | BabyCenter Video
Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 21-27 | BabyCenter Video
Pregnancy care tips shared by Dr. Leela Bhagavan
Healthy Pregnancy, Healthy Baby: Prenatal Care
Pregnancy prenatal care presentation
Ontario Midwives - Pregnancy Care with a Midwife
Garbh Sanskar Shri Balaji Tambe: Wellness Music for Pregnancy visit us
Postpartum Care for Down There
network spinal analysis entrainment
Network Spinal Analysis Care
Network Spinal Analysis
Baby NSA Entrainment
Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractic Care
Demonstration of NSA
Network Spinal Analysis for Health Professionals
Donny Epstein
World's Best Cosmic Energy Head/Shoulders/Arms Massage on a Woman by Oudin
A Chiropractic Adjustment
network chiropractors
chiropractic dr
dr chiropractic
chiro wellness
chiropractor doctor
chiropractic offices
family chiropractic
chiropractic visit
chiropractor in manhattan
chiropractic therapy
back pain chiropractic
chiropractic care
chiropractic management
chiropractic adjustment
Network Spinal Analysis,DonnyEpstein,Consciousness,chiropractic,healing,pregnancy,doula,webster technique,Network Care,energy,clear day,stress,wellness,spine,entrainment,breech baby turning technique,icpa4kids,,chiropractor,back pain relief,Spinal Gateways,adjustment,pediatric,DONA,Spine (journal),Doctor (title),Health,Pain,Therapy,New York,SOHO,ZocDoc,pain management,chiropractic adjustment,sciatica treatment

Thursday, July 31, 2014

I am compelled...

 I am compelled to be inspiring and enlightening and share some nuggets of wisdom with you.  Being a person that leads my triad of change with Behavior (versus Structure or Perception),I scrolled through my notes.  The first thing that I wrote down was "you can not be in defense and experience growth".  I encourage you all to take a minute with that statement. I would love to receive comments from you about how that  statement resonates for you AND how you can link it to the work we do together in the office with NSA and SRI. I'm looking forward to engaging with you in this conversation. Glad I start my notes with that and not my second note which was "roses are red, violets are blue if you don't get adjusted you're screwed!"

Network Spinal Analysis™ care is an evidence based approach to wellness and body awareness. Gentle precise touch to the spine cues the brain to create new wellness promoting strategies. Two unique healing waves develop that are associated with spontaneous release of spinal and life tensions, and the use of existing tension as fuel for spinal re-organization and enhanced wellness. Practitioners combine their clinical assessments of spinal refinements with patient’s self assessments of wellness and life changes. Greater self-awareness and conscious awakening of the relationships between the body, mind, emotion, and expression of the human spirit are realized through this popular healing work.

Your Next Steps:

  • Call and schedule and appointment . 212.334.3395
Hours for the week are:

Monday 3:30-7:30  
Tuesday 9-11:30
Wednesday 12-2 & 4-7:30 
Thursday 4-7:30 
Saturday 11-2  **
* New patient visits, private appointments and corporate onsite care available upon request. Call or email for more information.  

*Biomat appointments available - 30 & 60 minute sessions.

create a beautiful day, 
Dr. Suzanne and Valentine

birth, Chiropractic care, Pediatric, Pregnancy, Webster technique, wellness, pregnant care, pregnant wellness, pregnancy wellness care, pregnant wellness care,
Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 1-9 | BabyCenter Video
Pregnancy Week By Week (My Rainbow Baby)
Pregnancy: Weeks 1-4 (Month #1)
Watch the Baby Grow! Ultrasounds Week by Week During Pregnancy
Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 15 - 20 | BabyCenter Video
Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 21-27 | BabyCenter Video
Pregnancy care tips shared by Dr. Leela Bhagavan
Healthy Pregnancy, Healthy Baby: Prenatal Care
Pregnancy prenatal care presentation
Ontario Midwives - Pregnancy Care with a Midwife
Garbh Sanskar Shri Balaji Tambe: Wellness Music for Pregnancy visit us
Postpartum Care for Down There
network spinal analysis entrainment
Network Spinal Analysis Care
Network Spinal Analysis
Baby NSA Entrainment
Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractic Care
Demonstration of NSA
Network Spinal Analysis for Health Professionals
Donny Epstein
World's Best Cosmic Energy Head/Shoulders/Arms Massage on a Woman by Oudin
A Chiropractic Adjustment
network chiropractors
chiropractic dr
dr chiropractic
chiro wellness
chiropractor doctor
chiropractic offices
family chiropractic
chiropractic visit
chiropractor in manhattan
chiropractic therapy
back pain chiropractic
chiropractic care
chiropractic management
chiropractic adjustment
Network Spinal Analysis,DonnyEpstein,Consciousness,chiropractic,healing,pregnancy,doula,webster technique,Network Care,energy,clear day,stress,wellness,spine,entrainment,breech baby turning technique,icpa4kids,,chiropractor,back pain relief,Spinal Gateways,adjustment,pediatric,DONA,Spine (journal),Doctor (title),Health,Pain,Therapy,New York,SOHO,ZocDoc,pain management,chiropractic adjustment,sciatica treatment

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

ONE Direction

ONE Direction- Ha this isn't a news letter about a boy band.
It is about your life!
Which direction are you moving in?
In the office one of the ways that I approach your care is through the magic lens of THE FOUR SACRED SEASONS  Discover, Transform, Awaken and Integrate.
Today I want to stimulate your mindbody with a nugget about Discover and Transform.  One hallmark of these two Seasons is the direction that they move in.  When you are in the season of discover you look to the past to reference. For example, you come to the office with an achy, tight right shoulder. After you get entrained you move your shoulder around and comment "Grrrrrreat!!! WHOO HOOO!! all last year I couldn't move my shoulder at all and now it is moving".  Do you see the direction?  When you are in the sacred season of discover your reference point, to see where you are today, is the past. This is a necessary place to be to gather data.  However, once you have enough reference points from past suffering, once you become conscious of these suffering patterns, they become unbearable and you are ready to TAKE ACTION! This is what level one of care is designed to do, gather all this data for you.
When you are in transform the direction is FORWARD.  Your new reference point is your compelling future.  You decide that you want to be healthy and wealthy.  You begin to take action towards these goals.  How does the version of me that is healthy and wealthy behave?  She/He begins to workout each morning and enrolls in a wealth management course.  Action steps toward her/his goals!

If you are saying you want to become healthy and wealthy, but you are also saying that you are out of shape and suck with money; Then you now know that there is a disconnect and something is misaligned.  You can now have a framework for this common situation.  You are in the season of discover! Celebrate

that you are now aware of that. You have discovered something about yourself. Keep getting to know yourself, keep discovering and you will gather the fuel for Transform. That is what the entrainments in this office help you to do. Find and harness the fuel you need to create the life you deserve.
Discover is moving backwards and looking to the past.
Transform is moving forward and creating a compelling future

Which direction is your life going in?

I am excited to support you, love you and nourish you through all the seasons.  I will see you on the tables.

Be Well
Dr Suzanne

Your Next Steps:

  • Call and schedule and appointment . 212.334.3395

Network Spinal Analysis™ care is an evidence based approach to wellness and body awareness. Gentle precise touch to the spine cues the brain to create new wellness promoting strategies. Two unique healing waves develop that are associated with spontaneous release of spinal and life tensions, and the use of existing tension as fuel for spinal re-organization and enhanced wellness. Practitioners combine their clinical assessments of spinal refinements with patient’s self assessments of wellness and life changes. Greater self-awareness and conscious awakening of the relationships between the body, mind, emotion, and expression of the human spirit are realized through this popular healing work.

Your Next Steps:

  • Call and schedule and appointment . 212.334.3395
Hours for the week are:

Monday closed
Tuesday 11-1 & 4-7:30
Wednesday  4-7:30 
Thursday 11-1 & 4-7:30 
Saturday 11-2  **
* New patient visits, private appointments and corporate onsite care available upon request. Call or email for more information.  

*Biomat appointments available - 30 & 60 minute sessions.

create a beautiful day, 
Dr. Suzanne and Valentine

birth, Chiropractic care, Pediatric, Pregnancy, Webster technique, wellness, pregnant care, pregnant wellness, pregnancy wellness care, pregnant wellness care,
Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 1-9 | BabyCenter Video
Pregnancy Week By Week (My Rainbow Baby)
Pregnancy: Weeks 1-4 (Month #1)
Watch the Baby Grow! Ultrasounds Week by Week During Pregnancy
Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 15 - 20 | BabyCenter Video
Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 21-27 | BabyCenter Video
Pregnancy care tips shared by Dr. Leela Bhagavan
Healthy Pregnancy, Healthy Baby: Prenatal Care
Pregnancy prenatal care presentation
Ontario Midwives - Pregnancy Care with a Midwife
Garbh Sanskar Shri Balaji Tambe: Wellness Music for Pregnancy visit us
Postpartum Care for Down There
network spinal analysis entrainment
Network Spinal Analysis Care
Network Spinal Analysis
Baby NSA Entrainment
Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractic Care
Demonstration of NSA
Network Spinal Analysis for Health Professionals
Donny Epstein
World's Best Cosmic Energy Head/Shoulders/Arms Massage on a Woman by Oudin
A Chiropractic Adjustment
network chiropractors
chiropractic dr
dr chiropractic
chiro wellness
chiropractor doctor
chiropractic offices
family chiropractic
chiropractic visit
chiropractor in manhattan
chiropractic therapy
back pain chiropractic
chiropractic care
chiropractic management
chiropractic adjustment
Network Spinal Analysis,DonnyEpstein,Consciousness,chiropractic,healing,pregnancy,doula,webster technique,Network Care,energy,clear day,stress,wellness,spine,entrainment,breech baby turning technique,icpa4kids,,chiropractor,back pain relief,Spinal Gateways,adjustment,pediatric,DONA,Spine (journal),Doctor (title),Health,Pain,Therapy,New York,SOHO,ZocDoc,pain management,chiropractic adjustment,sciatica treatment